
Marketing with 'gaming' is the new thing

''Kinect for Xbox 360 is changing the game. Well, it’s changing how you play games. And how you watch TV. And movies. And listen to music. Because with Kinect, there are no controllers. Or remotes. There’s just you. And if you ask us, that’s all you need''

Let me get you an update on this. KINECT IS CHANGING THE MARKETING GAME. We talk about social media and how it is going to have big impact on everything. What we forget is the fact that digital intelligence (clever screens in particular) can enormously influence customers' experience and purchase decisiveness - from bus stops to window shopping.

Many brands, including Nike and Topshop, are at the starting point of this race for customer's attention. It will be interesting to see who will get out of breath first - if the customer or the retailer.

Imagine being able to try twenty-two dresses in two minutes. Or try how that gorgeous bag looks in your hand. And share the look on facebook or other social media.

Another clever but expected example of integration Kinect in branding is Nike's Kinect Training for Xbox. You bet that a person using this will not wear Addidas outfit.