
Fans and super fans - do you know who they are?

When shopping on the internet, people try to shop wisely - they do not buy impulsively first thing that flicked on their nose, but look up information, compare the competition, scan the reviews. According to research company Get Satisfaction 81% of customers are looking for information about the products on the website of the company. But also the Facebook page of the company have become a popular source of information - customers are interested in community of fans of the company and their opinions. The questions on Facebook can be answered from an authorized employee of the company, but also from active fans. Ambassadors (active customers) are for new customers a trustworthy source of information than the company itself.

According to Get Satisfaction There are four basic types of Facebook users that act as active members. They are Fashionista Proffesionals, Knights with Shiny Macs, Web-Building Techies and Bargain-Hunting Mamas.

Young women from 25 to 34 years included in the category are secured, childless, and interested in social media. They want companies to build a solid relationship, they are also willing to become ambassadors. They like special offers.

Young men (21-24 years) are those who want to try the latest technical innovations as the first, mostly having fun with other buddies. They are happy to share their experiences.

Similarly, on the other male group "Knights with Shiny iMacs", are mostly educated men aged 24-35 years, who are versed in the latest devices, social networks are active and their purchasing power is also not negligible. They do not mind to provide advise other customers and are happy for others when they are useful.

Mothers (35-44 years) are mostly interested in bargains and discounts. They like to communicate with other mothers and are therefore very beneficial for businesses - manage the family budget and spread their experience on, should it be cooking and product choices.

You can find the original infographics (and much more) HERE.

In addition to this clever graphics, let me add few things.

NEVER underestimate the power of young. Altough these four facebook groups are very well explained, there are one or two groups missing. Teenagers. I believe that they are the future force of social media. These are the ones making choices in terms of brands and products. These are the ones that will be there in the next 40 years, keeping your brand alive.